Day to day we need each other. In times of isolation or separation, we see in desperation that we need connection with God, our family, our friends, and people we don’t even know. Deep in our hearts, we need to connect. Discover how you can connect with people and God at your best.
Everything I ever learned about people I learned in Sunday School in one song. That one song has molded my thinking and has stayed with me for years, giving me a perspective about loving and caring for people of different skin colors, ethnicity, and races. Red and Yellow Black and White…those are the words that molded my thinking.
While on our traveling sabbatical we have encountered the best people. As you know, life is all about people. We have discovered that traveling is fun when you meet new people. Join us for part two of our People Stories Continued.
In our State to State travels we have met some great people. Gather around our table and we’ll tell you about some of these people stores we’ve encountered.