Back to School, Back to You, Book is Launched

Just like that, I am an author.  Back to School, Back to You Book is Launched. Learn about this book and How I became a collaborative author in the 3rd chapter “Entering the College Drop-off Zone and Empty Nest: What’s a Mom to Do?”

The “Back to School, Back to You” book is now available on Amazon via Kindle, paperback, hardcover, and soon Audio. To purchase a copy, here is the link to order on Amazon.

Back to School, Back to You Book is Launched

One Chapter

Blogging gives me more writing experience and I’ve been working on picture books for five years. I had some ideas for a nonfiction book, but only after my picture book goal.  I’m always learning about the publishing market and the pros and cons of traditional, hybrid, and self-publishing.  

I have been improving my kid-lit writing with groups like the Kidlit Academy. Many groups I follow have communities and writing academies for support writers. Goals and Ideas are what you need plus your priorities. 

This Book opportunity jumped into my lap in June.  I follow Hope Writers/Hope Books and they were going to do a writing collaborative book “Back to School, Back to You”.   In no time I decided, that I needed this experience. I thought of it as a low-cost mini-college course on publishing a book. This was a plus since I am a hands-on learner.  I told my husband it was cheaper to do this than writing a whole book or taking a college course. 

My application was sent with my title “The college drop off/empty nest” based on my past blogs and I was accepted. They chose 10 authors to write assigned chapters.  Within a few weeks, I was involved in the writing, editing, and marketing process to publish a book.

Back to School, Back to You Book is Launched

Next Steps

Zoom introduced us to each other because we all lived across the USA. We got our marching orders and our chapters were written in July. The writing was developmentally edited with changes to be made, copy editing, cover decisions, bio, marketing, and book launch.  

It is amazing what Hope Books can do with a book when people come together and technology allows it.  We were a group of 10 authors, so our marketing was a bit easier since each of us had our reach of people.   I love that each of the authors comes from their own experiences.  

This book is like reading a panel discussion about raising your kids with a faith-based perspective.

Authors at the Launch Party

Book Launch

At the Book Launch Party at the end of August, most of the Authors gathered at Hope Books in Matthews, North Carolina for a Facebook live launch. We also recorded our audio for a future audio release.  I loved it all.  It was great to meet the people who worked so hard on the book together and encourage one another.  We all had similarities and uniqueness but worked together as one book unit.

Book Chapters- From Back to School, Back to You

“This change affects you and your own identity.”   From the Introduction

  1. Educating for Eternal Value
  2. Building Authentic Confidence
  3. Entering the College Drop-off Zone and Empty Nest
  4. Joy for the Journey, Wisdom for the Way
  5. Loving Your Unique Self
  6. A New Chapter Begins
  7. Faithful Foundations
  8. Teaching Through Transitions
  9. Learning to Let Go When the Road Looks Different
  10. Embracing the Journey- Homeschool

I would have loved an encouraging book like this when I was raising my kids.

Launch Party

Back to School, Back to You is Ready to Purchase

The book is out. Friends, followers, and family have purchased it on Amazon. Please write a review on Amazon or Goodreads.  Share the book with your friends who are moms with kids in kindergarten to college age. Buy it for a mom as a gift!  There is good Information and tips in this book for moms to think about regarding their kids, and where moms are headed. 

If you want me to speak in my local area in VA at your school or mom’s group, I’d be happy to do a book talk and bring a stack of books. Contact the Authors if you want them on your podcast or to speak at a local event via Zoom. There is so much you can do as a mom to prepare your kids for school and yourself for the future.  

This is the story behind the chapter I wrote. I’ll continue to be plugging away on my blogs and picture books waiting on the perfect timing to get published again, but this time with some experience.   We all need to set goals and work toward achieving goals. It may be raising kids, your job, dreams, or writing a chapter or a book.  

Let me know if you have questions or comments below.  Happy reading. Share the book with your friends and family.  

Back to School, Back to You Book is Launched

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