Walking is one exercise that almost everyone can do. Yes, some walk faster than others, but whether you walk fast or slow, we are all doing our bodies a favor by walking. Let’s learn about walking your way to good health.
On April 7th it is National Walking Day
Get outside and walk. There are so many benefits of walking. Walking is good for your body, mind, and spirit. Let’s get motivated to get walking.

Walking is Good for the Body
When you walk you are doing great things for your body. We were not created to sit around and do very little. If you are able, you can walk.
Lungs and Heart
When you walk you increase breathing and build up your lung capacity. You also supply oxygen to your brain. Your heart starts pumping faster and says, “wow, I gotta learn to be more efficient the next time she walks”. The more you walk with endurance the better your heart rate gets.
The more experienced you are at walking the faster you need to walk, or the longer you need to walk. Maybe you need to walk with more difficulty such as hills. Our lungs and heart get a workout and want to improve.
Muscles/Joints and Ligaments
Walking is easier on the joints than running. The more you walk with hills or an incline the more you exercise your glutes. Did you know that the gluteus maximus needs to be strong because it supports your hip flexors and pelvic muscles? We need strong muscles to maintain our joints and ligaments.
Hiking is perfect because you get to exercise all your muscles, not just your pretty muscles. Plus, hiking is like a combo of walking and Incline walking. You are always going up or downhill and it’s good for the heart, lungs, and muscles.
If you want information on Hiking, see my past hiking blogs. Hiking the Southern states in the winter. Minnesota Hiking and Snacks along the way.

Brain Health
Walking is also good for our brain. The oxygen to your brain is important to your mental health. Those that walk or exercise tend to have less depression and better overall good mental health. I don’t know too many cranky people who go for a walk and come back cranky. Experiencing the fresh air and nature does something to our brain and emotions.

How long should I walk?
If you are not a walker then start small. Start at 10 minutes a day and then a few days later walk 10 minutes 2x a day. Gradually work your way up to 30 minutes a day. If you can not do 30 minutes at once, you should do 3- 10 minute walks rather no walks at all.
- To maintain your health/weight the ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) recommends 150 min of walking/exercise a week. That is five 30 min walks. To keep weight off bump the number up to 200-300 minutes per week. Which is around a one-hour walk 4 to 5 times a week or a 45-minute walk 6x/week. Here is a link to ACSM Recommendations.
- When you accomplish the time, work on your distance, speed and challenge yourself with incline walks. Carry small weights to use on your arms while you are walking, or simply do arm exercises without weights.
The little habits build-up to the big habits.

Walking your Way to Good Health Walking Tips-
- Hydrate up. Drink water before you walk and after your walk. If you are going for a long walk bring some water with you on a hot day.
- Walk in the morning or evening hours so you can stay out of the hot sun especially in the summer.
- Pace yourself, don’t turn walking into running, and then hate it. Go at a pace you can talk at.
- Invite someone to walk with you. I enjoy walking when I can walk and talk with someone. One time we were talking so much we walked for 90 minutes and the time went by fast.
- “Stack your habits” to enjoy walking, as Mark Batterson, Author of ’Win the Day” would say. Maybe walking is also your time to listen to podcasts, or pray to God or even talk on your speakerphone to someone. Just pay attention to your surroundings.
- Tell yourself you will walk daily. Then if you miss one day you are good and can get back to it the next day. That is how I trick myself to walk or exercise 6x a week. It’s good for your body to rest for a day.
- Don’t neglect your sleep. This is just as important for your body as walking. We repair our body and mind while we sleep. Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
- Increase your intensity to increase the health benefits as your body adjusts to walking. Walk at moderate intensity. A 60 min moderate intensity is the same as a 30 min vigorous walk/run.
- If tracking your steps per day is important for you then do so as a motivation or track your minutes or your miles.
- If your goal is to walk in the morning, set your clothes and shoes out the night before so you won’t be tempted to skip walking. I have heard of people even sleeping in their exercise clothes so they can jump out of bed and go.
- Try new routes and locations to walk to change it up, so it won’t get boring. It’s okay if you drive to a park 15 minutes away to explore it by walking for 30 minutes. You may even have to drive to some hills if none are around you.
- Reward yourself after your walk with a coffee, tea, sparkling water, or even a bath and book.
- Track your progress on an app or give yourself a star if that is better.
- Recover at the end of walking with some simple stretches to minimize your muscle injuries.
I hope I inspired you to walk your way to good health this spring and summer. Enjoy the fun you will have on this walking journey. Set some new goals as you are walking your way to good health. Do you have any walking tips you want to share? Do so in the Comments.

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