One of my favorite things to do in all seasons, but especially the colder season is taking a bath. This I call my “therapy in the bathtub.” Learn how taking a bath can be the best therapy this winter and the whole year.
This Blog has been brewing for a while. It’s winter now and I don’t have my own bathtub since I sold my home this fall. Believe me, I’ll be finding a new bathtub and home as soon as I can. See blog on Downsizing Story an On the Road Sabbatical
The first reason I head to the bathtub is it’s cold and I can’t warm up. Some days when its 30 degrees or less it seems whatever I do I am still cold. I get in the bath and my cold toes began to warm up and the therapy is just getting started.

Tips for the Best Bath Therapy
Make sure you bath isn’t so hot that you won’t be able to sleep at night. You know you. Take your bath earlier in the evening if this is a problem. When your body warms up you can relax and you may even feel a bit tired for a good sleep. When my nose is not cold, I have warmed up.
Studies have also shown that taking hot baths speeds up your metabolism. Lets just hope that is true. It sounds like a good idea.
Work it out and Pray
When I feel that deep discouragement or stirring, I can’t explain in my spirit, I head to the bathtub to help work it out. This may happen because I am thinking something over or one of my kids is on my mind. The best remedy for this is prayer. This is one of my therapies in the bathtub.
I just talk to God about the problem. I also have a list of attributes and verses I can pray over my kids and husband sitting next to my bathtub. The talking to God begins.
Most of the time as I talk to the God, the problem doesn’t seem as big when I let him deal with it. Sometimes if it’s because I am discouraged, I always seem to see things in a new light as I let my mind bathe in God’s word and listen.
One time as I was praying for one of my kids God gave me the story on baking cookies and raising kids. Believe it or not, I had my iPad by my tub and I typed it up while in the bathtub.

Relax, Listen, and Read
Another Therapy I gain in the tub is chillaxin. The chill is taken away, I can relax my thoughts and brain. Many times, I grab my book for the month- a nonfiction, fiction book or professional magazine and just read. Sometimes the book is so good I don’t ever want to get out of the tub, but eventually the water begins to get cold. Take me away.
Other times I have listened to my online bible study videos in the tub on my iPad and or even do my Bible study fellowship lessons in the bathtub. I have answered the questions with a pen to my worksheets, but I choose to listen to my audio bible with you version bible app.
Talk it Out
Another therapy in the tub is conversation. Like going to a therapist, I have chatted with my sister and even my neighbor on the phone while in the tub. They even talk while in the tub. Sometimes you just need someone to talk to and then your world doesn’t seem so small.

Bath Salts with Magnesium and Essential Oils
Finally, you must add a scoop or two of bath salts to your tub. Aroma Therapy. When I add lavender essential oils to my bath salts the smell makes it feel like a spa and lets me relax. I add it to my bath salts made of Epsom salt, Himalayan sea salt
Make a quart or pint size jar of bath salts to last all year. The magnesium in the Epsom salt does wonders. It is absorbed into your skin while you are bathing and is a mineral your body needs and is often low. This has a lot of nutritional benefits for your body and
Enjoy baths and know whatever reason you head to the tub, to warm up, alone time, prayer or relaxation time; it is therapy. Make time for Therapy in the Bathtub a few times each week.

Bath Salt Recipe
- 2 cups Epsom salt
- 2 cups Sea Salt or pink Himalayan sea salt
- ¼ cup Baking Soda
- 20 drops essential oils. (lavender is my favorite)
Mix together and store in a glass jar with a scoop. 1-2 scoops per bath.
If you just want to make it really easy, then use Epsom salt mixed with Essential oils. I like the other ingredients to soften my skin and the water.
Enjoy your Therapy in the Bathtub anytime of the day.

Oh how I wish I had read this a couple months ago so you could enjoy our whirlpool. Hopefully you were able to figure it out and use it!! 💕
I just enjoy sitting in the tub, so I did enjoy it a few times! Thanks!