Epiphany is on the calendar for the 6th of January 2022, and you rarely hear about it. Let’s learn what is Epiphany and how to celebrate it?
What is Epiphany?
Epiphany means a revelation or manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles or the Magi. This can be found in Matthew 2: 1-12. Jesus is a divine or supernatural Being.
Feast of Three kings
This date is celebrated as the visit of the magi to see Jesus. Epiphany is also known as Three King Day or Feast of Three Kings. We don’t know exactly how many kings came to visit Jesus after his birth but we do know they brought three gifts for our king. The church in Rome celebrated Epiphany on January 6th and orthodox Christians on January 19. There is more history about it you could dig into for more details.

Epiphany is also celebrated to commemorate Jesus Baptism by John. The Catholic church commonly celebrates Epiphany this way.
12 Days of Christmas
This celebration marks the end of the Christmas Celebration. If you count December 25th evening to January 6- this is where you get the 12 days of Christmas. A time of Celebration of Jesus birth to Epiphany which on January 5th is sometimes called 12th-night party. In many countries, January 6th is when they exchange gifts. Some countries exchange gifts on Christmas and Epiphany.

Epiphany Celebrations Around the world
Ephiphany is celebrated in many cultures in many different ways. Humble love, special catholic masses, diving for crosses, jumping in icy water which commemorate Baptism of Jesus. Many wear paper crowns and march in parades. They also eat twelfth night cake, kings cake, go caroling, and don’t forget the shoes filled with gifts.

12 Days of Christmas Song
The 12 days of Christmas song goes back to 1780 from a children’s book as a poem of French origin. It started as a game to test the memory of celebrators played on 12th-night parties. If you forgot the words you have to give your opponent a kiss or favor.
Over the years the poetic words changed and in 1909 the English composer, Frederic Austin, added music with revised words, and the carol was born.
Many have said there was a secret Christian code in the lyrics for the gifts and persecuted Catholics taught the catechism to their kids this way. The Partridge in the pear tree was to represent Jesus. Three French hens were for faith, hope, and love.

The photos below depict the biblical meanings of the 12 days of Christmas. These photos are courtesy of Jennifer Corder from Bible Study Fellowship.
I am sure you didn’t know that the carol you sing every Christmas season was indeed a song related to the celebration of Epiphany.
If you celebrate Epiphany or not. I think it’s a good idea to not forget about the Magi in the birth of Jesus. Somehow- we have them quickly show up with the shepherds at the nativity. When in reality history shows us they followed the star to the age Jesus was a toddler.

Celebrate Epiphany at Home
This year do something a little different to commemorate Epiphany. It doesn’t have to be something big. Maybe your kids can finally have the wise men visit Jesus at the nativity. Or your kids can act out the magi story. Slowly take down the Christmas tree and decorations for the 12 days of Christmas. To prepare for the kings’ visit wear or make king hats or visit Burger King for supper.
Be creative and think of how you can complete the story of Jesus’s birth to your kids or grandkids. Start your family traditions to tell them about the Magi and Christ. Remember it’s all about retelling the story of Christ as it says in Deuteronomy-
“Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6:7
I usually take my Christmas decorations down on December 31st. This year I may allow the season to linger into Epiphany and take them down on January 6th. Enjoy Epiphany this year. What is Epiphany and How to Celebrate It?
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