Since we last checked in about our travels, we ended at day 25. A few blogs have been written but I’m sharing the details in this blog. Here are how days 26-60 were spent on our traveling sabbatical.
This Fall as we were telling our 80-year-old neighbor about our traveling sabbatical, she got very excited and said you need to stop in Laurel, Mississippi. She loves watching the show Home Town on HGTV. With that idea, we planned it into our travels for a day. At my table, I’m sharing how we spent our day visiting Laurel.
We started out traveling Sabbatical on January 6th and as the calendar turns over, the first 25 days of our…
As we head out for our five-month on the road adventure we don’t enter this phase without plans and preparation. Learn how to plan for your next adventure and how to pack when you live out of an SUV and Airbnbs.
We need to ask God his plans for our life, obey and then trust him. God cares about the little things in life and God can be trusted, even for a button and a place to live.
If you have been following me on social media you may know about the downsizing in my life and becoming an empty nester this fall. Grab a cup of coffee and join me and I’ll share the exciting plans for our lives as our downsizing story is revealed and what is ahead for our lives at we hit the Road for a sabbatical.
I have walked where Jesus walked and have seen the landscapes of the bible. My eyes have seen and my mind now comprehends what things were like in the scriptures. It’s as if I now see the Bible in 3D. Reading the bible will never be the same. Have a seat at my table and I’ll tell you why going on a Holy Land/Israel tour should be on your bucket list.
It is back to school time for college and school-age kids. We send them out the door each day and…
Over the years the goldfish stories keep adding up. One fish story really stood out in my mind. Hoping this fish story will help you look at your faith differently.
I got you covered with ideas for your kids, yourself or that summer bible study. See what family favorite books are on my table for summer reads.