7 Days of Zucchini Recipes for the Family

It’s that time of year when you can show your neighborly love. The Zucchini plant keeps producing and you don’t know what to do with them all besides give them to your neighbors. Keep giving them to others, but try some zucchini recipes you haven’t tried before. Zucchini is served on my table this week and here are 7 days’ worth of Zucchini Recipes for the family.

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Our Top Five Places to Live From our Travels

After traveling from the East Coast to the West Coast in the middle states for four months, we have done our research and ranked our top places to live. Every state/city has its pros and cons for the weather, jobs, and recreation. Find out the rankings of our top 5 places to live from our traveling sabbatical.

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10 Tips for Airbnb Hosts-Especially New Hosts

My experience with Airbnb hosts comes from 117 nights of staying at Airbnb’s in a variety of cities, states, and accommodation types. If you are an Airbnb host or you are thinking of starting one here are 10 tips for Airbnb hosts- especially new hosts that can make you the best host.

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Our Favorites- Things and Food from our Traveling Sabbatical

While traveling on the road in an SUV and living in Airbnbs for 120 days we came up with our favorites list. Here are our Favorite things and the food we loved during the traveling sabbatical that we’re sharing with you.

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New Mexico is the Land of Enchantment and a Must See

As my husband planned our sabbatical travels, I thought “Really, we are going to spend over a week in New Mexico?” I knew nothing about the state and now I know that New Mexico is the Land of Enchantment. I’ll share my memorable visit with you and why you need to visit the state of New Mexico.

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