Get some great gift ideas for yourself, your family, or your friends this Christmas. I have enjoyed these items so much, that I have given them as gifts this year, want them myself, or I use the item. Be Excited with me about “2020 My Favorite Things for Gift Giving”.
Every Advent season before Christmas, I read advent scriptures, books, and bible studies to prepare my heart for Christmas. Learn about Advent, get some great bible study ideas for yourself, or start a zoom group this year. End the year right, get ideas for celebrating Advent, and a 2020 Advent Bible study. Advent Bible Study and Book Ideas to prepare for Christmas.
My husband and I have been living out of suitcases for over a year. The joys and struggles of being homeless intentionally. I’ll share what I have learned from being homeless this year- intentional homelessness.
Day to day we need each other. In times of isolation or separation, we see in desperation that we need connection with God, our family, our friends, and people we don’t even know. Deep in our hearts, we need to connect. Discover how you can connect with people and God at your best.
If you want an easy breakfast for your family, a brunch idea, or simply a healthy snack then you will want to try this Korean Breakfast Egg Bread. I first tasted this easy to make bread visiting my cousin last month. Gather at my table as I share her Korean Egg Bread recipe and find out how she makes this breakfast food for her family and friends.
When someone is mumbling, you usually say speak up I can’t hear you. In this case, mumbling God’s word is for you and God alone. You can quietly mumble to God and meditate on God’s word daily. Let’s learn how mumbling may help you with exactly what you need today.
Apples do not rank as the only popular fruit, but they are prevalent in the American diet and are remembered with the saying, “an apple a day keeps the Dr. away”. Let’s talk Apples around my table. We will learn health benefits and facts about apples as well as recipes and menus using apples. Apples, Apples, Apples- Read all About Them and Recipes.
Pizza, Pizza, Pizza- so many kinds and varieties to enjoy. I enjoy making pizza at home and can make it quicker than ordering and getting one delivered. Learn how to make a BBQ pizza and then eat it at your table with your family. BBQ Pizza Recipe Ready for the Family in 30 Minutes.
Whenever we have a big or little decision in life, we look to God for our answers. He is the master planner and knows our future. God knows us best and answers us. Many times, it’s “Yes, No, or Wait.” These are Answers from God. Gather at my table as I share how we know what God is telling us.
Let’s talk about these markers of time and some tips for viewing with photo ops. You may fall in love with sunrises and sunsets as much as myself. Sunrise, Sunset- The start and end of our days.