My 2023 Favorite Things Gift List

“These are a few of my favorite things,” is the song I sing this time of year.  I am giving you gift ideas for yourself, friends, or family.  We all have holidays, birthdays, and special reasons we may want to give someone a gift. This is my 2023 My Favorite Things Gift list.

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My Favorite Crockpot Recipes

Fall and winter is crockpot season.  I use my crockpot all year round, especially when I don’t want to heat the house in the summer or keep food warm to eat later.   Let’s try some new crock pot meals that are my faves. My Favorite Crockpot Recipes.

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How to Live a Life of Hospitality

You may not think you are hospitable.  Some of you are very hospitable.  Many of you know good hospitality when you see it or experience it.  Let’s learn hospitality and how everyone should at least try to be hospitable.  How to Live a Life of Hospitality.    

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Why I Love the Common Loon

If you have never sat by the Lake in Minnesota and heard the loons fly over the lake or listened to one of their many calls, you need to experience this bird.  Learn why I love the Common Loon as we sit in chairs by the lake. 

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What to See at Shenandoah National Park

If you are living in Virginia or heading to the North East to visit historical sites, then don’t miss this National Park.  It is a less popular national park, making it easier to visit.   This blog will show you what to see at Shenandoah National Park.

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Beach Vacations in the Carolinas & Virginia

When I say beach vacation my mind thinks of the ocean waves and sandy beaches.  Most of the time we think of Sunny Florida, but you may want to think of the Carolinas and Virginia this spring, summer, and fall. Learn about some beach vacations in the Carolinas and Virginia.    

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